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  • Artichokes Stew
  • Stuffat tal-qaqocc

  • Ingredients to serve 4

  • 4 large tender artichokes
    4 small onions finely chopped
    200 g broad beans, both skins removed
    200 g shelled peas
    400 g fresh or canned tomatoes, chopped
    2 garlic cloves crushed
    1 tbs parsley
    1 tbs olive oil
    salt and pepper to taste
    I egg per person (optional)
    1 gbejna (fresh goat cheese) per person

  • Metbod:

  • Prepare the artichokes by reming all tough outer leaves, completely
    cut off the tops of remaining leaves and remove the choke
    with the aid of a teaspoon. Cut thc artichokes in halves and put in a basin covered in water lemon juice.
    In the meantime, heat the oil in a saucepan, add the onions and gently fry until soft.
    Add the garlic and as soon as it turns golden, add the tomatoes. Bring to the boil add the parsley and seasoning,
    lower the flame and add the artichoke hearts. When these are almost done, add the broad beans and peas. At this stage you may have to add a littic water, to make sure all the vegetables are covered, Continue simmering until the vegetables are tender. Add the egg and the gbejna into a hollow you will have made with a wooden spoon. As soon as the egg is poached serve the

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